Why Go Green?

There’s plenty of reasons as to why a person should go green. For one, you become earth-conscious, you become more aware of the affects of our actions on the planet. For me, the experience was like going from a speck on this planet to someone important. I’m not one for being big-headed, but I do understand the impact I have on this planet.

Now, imagine the majority of the world involved in maintaining a positive impact on the planet.

Being green isn’t a new idea, in fact, our polluting the environment the way we have been, is. The newest idea we have, is in being green with our technology. The major thing about today’s eco-friendly technology is that it saves on it’s energy usage, relating to paying less for the energy we consume.

In today’s world, we are surrounded by technology. At times we absolutely rely on it (think hospitals). Technology is such a presence in our lives that it’s being used like it’s an in exhaustible resource and tool, and perhaps it is! Technology needs fuel though, and the old destructive fuels are being phased out. As more and more technology incorporates more and more eco-friendly modes and operations, you’re eventually going to have to learn something green. Now, would I conclude that the future of green is the future of technology? Or vise versa? Nah, I wouldn’t be so fanatical about it, but I simply can’t see the future of this planet without technology and in my humble opinion, technology would be one of the major forces in maintaining a healthy planet.

Going green is also healthy for a person. I’m not sure if you know, but doing you own gardening is a green thing (not to be confused with green thumb). Take out the pesticides, the added ingredients, the chemicals and BAM, healthy food grown without pollutants.

With less pollutants swimming in our water, resting in our soil and floating in the air, our bodies aren’t so busy fighting them off once they’ve entered our system and we don’t live out our lives functioning but not as healthy as we should be. This planet is our only home and we as a collective have a massive negative impact on it right now not to be underestimated. The affects on nature are obvious, the affects on humans ourselves, not so definitive yet.

To go green is to move forward with progress. Not just technologically, but in our mind set. We need to become earth conscious and maintain that as a value in our system of values. You don’t have to become a fanatic, just aware. When you become aware of the consequences of your actions, good or bad, on this planet, each action accounted for, you become aware of an interaction. This is an interaction between you and the whole planet. Aware of this interaction, a reasonable person would strive to make each interaction as pleasant as possible. With enough earth-conscious people the planet’s future and current situation will change dramatically for the better. Sound strange? I think not! Bear with my insanity for a moment please.  Instead of  earth-conscious, how about computer-conscious. You’re aware of your computer. You’re aware of the consequences of your actions, good or bad (get that soda away from my laptop), upon said computer. You interact with your computer everyday, and you want every interaction to be as good as it can be, right? There are more than enough computer-conscious people in the world that it could be said, that our society as human beings is a technological society. With enough earth-conscious people in the world, it could come to be said, that we as the human society are a green society. Tie it all together and viola! A planet full of green people.

In my humble opinion, the people of this planet will not self-destruct but embrace eco-friendly ways. If not now, then when the consequences become too severe to ignore and in enough time to actually fix the many problems we face today. I could be wrong though, but I hope not, and because I absolutely hate to be wrong, that’s why you should go green! Ok, I’m just kidding. Seriously, the issue is pressing and getting worse at our continued wasting of our planet’s resources.

Changes in how consumer products are made does reduce the amount of resources that we use, but that alone is not enough. We would still be wasting our planet away. In this interaction between man and planet, we get out of it what we put into it. Is there an urgency to go green? No, but waiting for that urgency may well result in heavy losses on this planet, think about that for a moment.

There’s plenty of reasons to go green, pick one, or a few or all of them. The benefits are there and they aren’t negotiable.