This is a privacy policy displayed for the use of Google Adsense.

Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on user's prior visit to this site.
Google uses the DART cookie which enables it and is partners to serve ads to this site's users based on visits to this site and/or other sites on the internet.
The webmaster does not sell or distribute any visitor/ participant data/information for any reason.
Our privacy policy is updated occasionally as needed.

Privacy policy

This site is affiliated with and paid by Google. Third parties are involved. Your information is collected by Google and other third parties. This information is collected regardless of visiting this site or not. These third parties have their own privacy policy and their own guidelines for the use of collected information. It’s the same information they collect anyway by a number of means, so if nothing horrible has happened yet, it wont happen by your visiting/consuming at this site (and if it did, I‘m almost certain Google would know where the misuse came from). They have and have had the information and is used mainly for marketing and customizing your Google experience.

This site does not collect visitor/consumer information although it is available to the webmaster. Currently, the collection and use (selling, trading, giving away, sharing.) of visitor/consumer information is not in practice but subject to change. An updated privacy policy will be posted at the time of this change, should it occur.

Some information that may be collected includes: passwords, usernames, security questions, and other information to allow our visitors access to their accounts and to prevent unauthorized use of user accounts. This information is never sold, traded, given away or shared with third parties. This information is kept strictly for the visitors/consumers of this site and only given to it’s respective individuals. We may also collect and store any information you provide to this site by sign up, profile information, post, etc. and is not sold, traded, given away or shared.

The collection and use (selling, trading, giving away, sharing) of visitor/consumer information is not a priority of the webmaster for this site, it is simply beyond a reasonable workload.

The webmaster is not responsible for information acquired by Google, Google’s affiliates, Google’s partners and Google’s third parties. They have their own privacy policies. We are also not responsible for information stolen by hackers, crackers, thieves and cons.
We are also not responsible for information you post on the site about yourself or information about you posted by others. Such post and information can be removed by request to the webmaster and can be removed at the webmaster’s discretion with out prompt from visitors/consumers of this site.
We are not responsible for information collected on sites we link to. We are not responsible for information given by you or others to sites that we link to.

We may revise, edit, update and change this policy at anytime for any reason.

In short: We don’t misuse your information. We are not responsible for information you or others give out on this site or sites we link to or anywhere else. We are not responsible for stolen information or information taken by illegal or immoral means. Google and Google’s friends, partners, affiliates and other people involved with them do collect and use your information. Although we are an affiliate of Google, collection and use of information collected by Google is limited to what was stated earlier about the information we collect and how it’s used.